2010 Lucca Comics And Games – The Italian Job Studios and UDraw

November 14, 2010

On November 1, 2010, I attended the Italian Job Studios (Riccardo Burchielli, Guiseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Caselli, Diego Malara and Francesco Mattina) demonstration of THQ’s UDraw for the Nintendo WII gaming system in advance of the launch date (Nov 14/10 in North America and Jan/11 in Europe).  Basically its like a starter version of a WACOM/Cintiq tablet but for the whole family.   On this day, it was the duo of Caselli and Mattina showing everyone how easy (for them?) it was to draw a simple Flash head sketch. 

It is amazing what a simple red blob can be turned into.


The final version of The Flash.